620.171. 1. There is hereby created within the departmentof economic development the "Missouri Export Development Office".The office shall work to expand job opportunities of Missouri'swork force by increasing the export of Missouri industrial,commercial or manufactured goods and services of small andmedium-sized businesses through the provision of information,technical assistance, and other export trade assistance.
2. The Missouri export development office shall have thepower and authority to carry out the following functions:
(1) Coordinate to the maximum extent possible the efforts ofthe office with programs and goals of the United Statesexport-import bank, the foreign credit insurance association, andother private and public programs designed to provide exportassistance and export-related financing;
(2) Establish a network of contacts between those public andprivate organizations which provide information, technicalassistance, financial support of exporting, and other exporttrade activities;
(3) Assemble, publish and disseminate information toMissouri exporters on export opportunities, techniques ofexporting, sources of public and private export assistance, andsources of export-related financing;
(4) Provide individual small and medium-sized businesseswith information and technical assistance related to exportingand export financing;
(5) Participate with governments or private industry inprograms for technical assistance, technology transfer or otherexport trade activities;
(6) Undertake or commission studies or methods to increasefinancial resources to expand the export of Missouri goods andservices;
(7) Work in conjunction with the Missouri department ofagriculture in the referral of potential exporters ofagricultural commodities to the board for the securing ofexport-related financing;
(8) Issue an annual report explaining the program, its needsand recommended changes. The report shall include an evaluationof the following:
(a) Participation of financial institutions in exportfinancing programs;
(b) Export volume of Missouri firms which provide suchinformation to the export development office;
(c) Access of small and medium-sized businesses to exportfinancing programs.
(L. 1989 H.B. 378 ยงยง 13, 14)