620.475. 1. The department shall establish an industry quality andproductivity improvement program to help industries and businesses evaluateand enhance quality and productivity, and to encourage the private sectorto develop long-range goals to improve quality and productivity and improvethe competitive position of private businesses. The quality andproductivity improvement program shall include seminars, workshops andshort courses on subjects such as long-range planning, new managementtechniques, automated manufacturing, innovative uses of new materials andthe latest philosophies of management and quality improvement. The programshall be available to existing Missouri manufacturing, distribution andservice businesses.
2. The department may develop quality and productivity improvementcenters at university and community college campuses throughout the stateas the demand and need is determined. The department shall have theauthority to contract with individuals who possess particular knowledge,ability and expertise in the various subjects which may be essential to theprogram's goals. Seminars, workshops, short courses and specific not forcredit classes shall be developed on and off campus for personnel engagedin manufacturing, distribution and service businesses. At the discretionof the department, the University of Missouri and Lincoln Universityextension services, the continuing education offices of the regionaluniversities and community colleges may be used for the promotion andcoordination of the off-campus courses that are offered.
3. Activities eligible for reimbursement in the industry quality andproductivity program shall include:
(1) The cost of seminars, workshops, short courses and specific notfor credit classes;
(2) The wages of instructors;
(3) Productivity materials and supplies, including the purchase ofpackaged productivity programs when appropriate;
(4) Travel directly related to the program;
(5) Tuition payments to third-party productivity providers and tobusinesses; and
(6) Teaching and assistance provided by educational institutions inthe state.
4. No industry receiving assistance under the industry quality andproductivity improvement program shall be reimbursed for more than fiftypercent of the total costs of its participation in the program.
(L. 1995 H.B. 414)