622.057. The transportation development commission shallstudy the implementation of the provisions of sections 622.010 to622.059 and section 680.307, RSMo, and shall make recommendationstherefor to the motor carrier and railroad safety division and thedepartment director. It shall also consider any other appropriate matterrelating to the operation of the motor carrier and railroad safetydivision and the development and regulation of transportation activitieswithin this state. It shall consider the need for new or changed lawsor regulations relating to the development and regulation oftransportation activities, and shall from time to time makerecommendations to the governor and the general assembly inconnection therewith to the end that the development oftransportation entities and facilities will enhance the economicdevelopment of the state.
(L. 1985 S.B. 2 ยง 10, A.L. 1988 S.B. 423)Effective 5-13-88