622.150. The division may engage in any conferences with officials ofany and all other states and the District of Columbia, territories andpossessions of the United States and foreign countries for the purpose ofpromoting, entering into, and establishing fair and equitable reciprocalagreements or arrangements that in the judgment of the division are proper,expedient, fair, and equitable and in the interest of the state of Missouriand the citizens thereof to the end that any motor carrier of passengers orproperty which operates motor vehicles and trailers into, out of, orthrough this state as a for-hire motor carrier and which has paid allregulatory fees required by the state, District of Columbia, territory orpossession of the United States or foreign country where the motor vehiclesand trailers are duly licensed or registered pursuant to an agreement orarrangement entered into by the Missouri highway reciprocity commission, orif no such agreement or arrangement has been entered into, where the owneris a resident, shall not be required to pay fees prescribed in section390.136, RSMo; but the provisions of this section shall be operative as toa motor vehicle and trailer duly licensed or registered in a state,District of Columbia, territory or possession of the United States orforeign country pursuant to an agreement or arrangement entered into by theMissouri highway reciprocity commission and if no such agreement orarrangement has been entered into, where the owner is a resident, uponwhich all regulatory fees have been paid, when operated for hire inMissouri only to the extent that, under the laws of the state, District ofColumbia, territory or possession of the United States or foreign country,wherein such motor vehicle and trailer are registered like exemptions aregranted motor vehicles and trailers duly licensed or registered in Missouriwhich may be conducting similar motor carrier operations for hire in suchother state, District of Columbia, territory or possession of the UnitedStates, or foreign country.
(L. 1996 S.B. 780)CROSS REFERENCE:
Highway reciprocity commission abolished, duties and functions transferred to highways and transportation commission, RSMo 226.008