622.260. 1. The division may, of its own motion, investigate or makeinquiry, in a manner to be determined by it, as to any act or thing done oromitted to be done by any common carrier subject to its supervision, andthe division shall make such inquiry in regard to any act or thing done oromitted to be done by any such carrier, person or corporation in violationof any provision of law or in violation of any order or decision of thedivision.
2. Complaints may be made to the division by any person orcorporation aggrieved, by petition or complaint, in writing, setting forthanything or act done or omitted to be done by any common carrier inviolation, or claimed to be in violation, of any provision of law or of theterms and conditions of its franchise or charter or of any order ordecision of the division. Upon the presentation of such a complaint thedivision shall cause a copy thereof to be forwarded to the carrier, personor corporation complained of, which may be accompanied by an order,directed to such carrier, person or corporation, requiring that the matterscomplained of be satisfied, or that the charges be answered in writingwithin a time to be specified by the division. If the carrier, person orcorporation complained of shall make reparation for any injury alleged andshall cease to commit, or to permit, the violation of law, franchise, orderor decision charged in the complaint, and shall notify the division of thatfact before the time allowed for answer, the division need take no furtheraction on the charges. If, however, the charges contained in such petitionbe not thus satisfied, and it shall appear to the division that there arereasonable grounds therefor, it shall investigate such charges in suchmanner and by such means as it shall deem proper, and take such actionwithin its powers as the facts justify.
3. Whenever the division shall investigate any matter complained ofby any person or corporation aggrieved by any act or omission of a commoncarrier under this section, it shall be its duty, within sixty days afterfinal submission, to make and file an order either dismissing the petitionor complaint or directing the carrier, person or corporation complained ofto satisfy the cause of complaint in whole or to the extent which thedivision may specify and require.
(L. 1996 S.B. 780)