622.600. 1. As used in sections 622.600 to 622.620, the followingterms mean:
(1) "Division", the division of transportation within the departmentof economic development of this state, which, after June 30, 1997, is knownas the "division of motor carrier and railroad safety";
(2) "Household goods", personal effects and property used or to beused in a dwelling when part of the equipment or supplies of such dwellingand similar property, if the transportation of such effects or property, iseither arranged and paid for by the householder, including transportationof property from a factory or store when the property is purchased by thehouseholder with intent to use in his or her dwelling, or arranged and paidfor by another party. The term "household goods" shall not includepersonal property which when tendered to a motor carrier is crated orotherwise packaged to make it suitable for transportation by motor carriersof general commodities, freight or property;
(3) "Property carrier registration", a document issued by thedivision pursuant to sections 622.600 to 622.620 which identifies a personas a registered property carrier and qualifies that person to engage in thetransportation by motor vehicle of property except household goods for hireor compensation in intrastate commerce on the public highways in thisstate;
(4) "Registered property carrier", a person who is entitled pursuantto subdivision (3) of this subsection to engage in the transportation bymotor vehicle of property, except household goods, for hire or compensationin intrastate commerce on the public highways in this state. This term isincluded within the term "common carrier" as defined in section 390.020,RSMo.
2. Notwithstanding any provisions of section 390.020, RSMo, or thischapter, to the contrary, the provisions of this section which define wordsshall also apply to and determine the meaning of all words used in chapter390, RSMo, and this chapter. Except as otherwise provided in this section,or when the context clearly requires otherwise, the provisions of section390.020, RSMo, and this chapter, which define words shall also apply to anddetermine the meaning of words used in sections 622.600 to 622.620.
(L. 1996 S.B. 780 ยง 1)