630.194. 1. Persons seeking to initiate any research inresidential facilities or day programs funded, operated orlicensed by the department shall submit their research proposalsto the professional review committee for review. The committeeshall prepare a report, which shall be available to the generalpublic, of each research proposal it reviews, stating its findingand conclusions, and recommending either approval or disapprovalof the project to the director. The director shall state hisdecision in writing and the decision shall be final.
2. The committee shall review the conduct of the researchduring the progress of the project. If during the research, harmor increased risk of harm to participants occurs, or ifdeviations in research protocol occur without approval of thecommittee, the committee shall investigate the project. Thecommittee shall suspend or halt the project if deemed appropriateto prevent harm or the increased risk of harm.
3. The professional review committee shall review eachbiomedical or pharmacological research proposal according to, butnot restricted to, the following criteria:
(1) Need for the research;
(2) Methodological adequacy;
(3) Duplication with other projects;
(4) Sufficiency of scientific and theoretical justification;
(5) Competence of the researcher;
(6) Funding sufficiency;
(7) Weighing risks against potential benefits;
(8) Appropriateness of subject population;
(9) Adequacy of consent information.
4. If the committee believes it lacks sufficient expertisein the subject area of the proposed research, it may obtainoutside experts to review the project and recommend disposition.
(L. 1980 H.B. 1724)