631.110. 1. The head of an alcohol or drug abuse facility maydischarge any voluntary client whose continued involvement in the programis determined to be either no longer beneficial to the client or anineffective use of the facility.
2. The head of an alcohol or drug abuse facility shall release anyclient who requests his release in writing or whose release is requested byhis guardian or parent, if the parent applied for admission; except that,if the head of the facility believes the client is presenting a likelihoodof serious harm as a result of the alcohol or drug abuse, the head of thefacility may deny the request for release. If the request for release isdenied, the head of the facility may detain the client only if heimmediately initiates the involuntary detention procedure set out in thischapter.
(L. 1985 S.B. 265, A.L. 1996 S.B. 884 & 841)