631.160. Whenever any respondent detained involuntarilyunder this chapter in an alcohol or drug abuse facility is foundduring the detention period to be in need of medical care andtreatment provided in a hospital, which in the opinion of alicensed physician must be attended to immediately, therespondent may be transferred to a hospital for care andtreatment. The hospital may perform surgery or provide medicaltreatment with the respondent's consent, or without his consentunder the provisions of section 431.063, RSMo, or chapter 475,RSMo. If the respondent's detention period has not expired atthe completion of the hospital care and treatment, then therespondent shall be returned to the alcohol or drug abusefacility to complete the detention for treatment andrehabilitation. The respondent may have detention periodscontinued while in the hospital under the provisions of thischapter.
(L. 1985 S.B. 265)