631.170. If requested to do so by the head of an alcohol ordrug abuse facility, the sheriff of the county where a client,absent without authorization, is found shall apprehend and returnhim to the facility. The head of the facility may request thereturn of an absent client under this section* only when:
(1) The client is a minor whose admission was applied for byhis parent or legal custodian, who has not requested the minorclient's release;
(2) The client is a minor under jurisdiction of the juvenilecourt;
(3) The client has been declared legally incapacitated andhis guardian has not requested his release;
(4) The client was committed to the department under chapter552, RSMo, or this chapter; or
(5) The client's condition is of such a nature that, for theprotection of the client, or others, the head of the facilitydetermines that the client's return to the facility is necessaryas noted in the client's records, in which case civil detentionprocedures shall be initiated upon return to the facility.
(L. 1985 S.B. 265)*Original rolls contain "subsection" but is a typographical error.