633.005. As used in this chapter, unless the context clearly requiresotherwise, the following terms shall mean:
(1) "Comprehensive evaluation", a study, including a sequence ofobservations and examinations, of an individual leading to conclusions andrecommendations formulated jointly by an interdisciplinary team of personswith special training and experience in the diagnosis and habilitation ofthe mentally retarded and developmentally disabled;
(2) "Division", the division of mental retardation and developmentaldisabilities of the department of mental health;
(3) "Division director", the director of the division of mentalretardation and developmental disabilities of the department of mentalhealth, or his designee;
(4) "Group home", a residential facility serving nine or fewerresidents, similar in appearance to a single-family dwelling and providingbasic health supervision, habilitation training in skills of daily andindependent living and community integration, and social support. Grouphomes do not include a family living arrangement or individualizedsupported living;
(5) "Mental retardation facility", a private or department facility,other than a regional center, which admits persons who are mentallyretarded or developmentally disabled for residential habilitation and otherservices and which is qualified or licensed as such by the departmentpursuant to chapter 630, RSMo. Such terms shall include, but shall not belimited to, habilitation centers and private or public residentialfacilities for persons who are developmentally disabled;
(6) "Regional center", an entity so designated by the department toprovide, directly or indirectly, for comprehensive mental retardation anddevelopmental disability services under this chapter in a particularregion;
(7) "Respite care", temporary and short-term residential care,sustenance and supervision of a mentally retarded or developmentallydisabled person who otherwise resides in a family home;
(8) "State advisory council", the Missouri advisory council on mentalretardation and developmental disabilities as created in section 633.020.
(L. 1980 H.B. 1724, A.L. 1990 H.B. 1383, A.L. 2008 S.B. 1081)