633.010. 1. The division of mental retardation anddevelopmental disabilities, created by the omnibus reorganizationact of 1974, section 9, appendix B, RSMo, shall be a division ofthe department. The division shall have the responsibility ofinsuring that mental retardation and developmental disabilitiesprevention, evaluation, care, habilitation and rehabilitationservices are accessible, wherever possible. The division shallhave and exercise supervision of division residential facilities,day programs and other specialized services operated by thedepartment, and oversight over facilities, programs and servicesfunded or licensed by the department.
2. The powers, functions and duties of the division shallinclude the following:
(1) Provision of funds for the planning and implementationof accessible programs to serve persons affected by mentalretardation or developmental disabilities;
(2) Review of mental retardation and developmentaldisabilities plans submitted to receive state and federal fundsallocated by the department;
(3) Provision of technical assistance and training tocommunity-based programs to assist in the planning andimplementation of quality services;
(4) Assurance of program quality in compliance with suchappropriate standards as may be established by the department;
(5) Sponsorship and encouragement of research into thecauses, effects, prevention, habilitation and rehabilitation ofmental retardation and developmental disabilities;
(6) Provision of public information relating to mentalretardation and developmental disabilities and theirhabilitation;
(7) Cooperation with nonstate governmental agencies and theprivate sector in establishing, conducting, integrating andcoordinating mental retardation and developmental disabilitiesprograms and projects;
(8) Cooperation with other state agencies to encourageappropriate health facilities to serve, without discrimination,persons who are mentally retarded or developmentally disabled whorequire medical care and to provide them with adequate andappropriate services;
(9) Participation in developing and implementing a statewideplan to alleviate problems relating to mental retardation anddevelopmental disabilities and to overcome the barriers to theirsolutions;
(10) Encouragement of coordination of division services withother divisions of the department and other state agencies;
(11) Encouragement of the utilization, support, assistanceand dedication of volunteers to assist persons affected by mentalretardation and developmental disabilities to be accepted andintegrated into normal community activities;
(12) Evaluation, or the requirement of the evaluation,including the collection of appropriate necessary information, ofmental retardation or developmental disabilities programs todetermine their cost-and-benefit effectiveness;
(13) Participation in developing standards for residentialfacilities, day programs and specialized services operated,funded or licensed by the department for persons affected bymental retardation or developmental disabilities.
(L. 1980 H.B. 1724)