633.050. 1. In addition to such other advisory functionsas may be agreed upon with the division, the regional advisorycouncils shall review and advise on programs and policies of theregional centers. The councils shall review, advise on, andrecommend regional program budgets and shall report to thedivision director their findings as to their conformity with theregional plans before they are transmitted to the department tobe considered for inclusion in the department budget request.
2. The regional councils may advise the department, thedivision and the regional centers on methods of operation andservice delivery which will assure comprehensive services withthe minimum amount of duplication, fragmentation and unnecessaryexpenditures. In making such proposals, the councils shallconsider the most appropriate use of existing agencies andprofessional personnel providing residential facilities, dayprograms and other specialized services for the mentally retardedand developmentally disabled in their regions.
3. The duties of the regional advisory councils shallinclude:
(1) Determining the disbursement of the cash stipend asestablished in section 633.180 and the family support loan asestablished in section 633.185;
(2) Providing direction and assistance to the regionalcenter in the development of a family support plan based upon theneeds in the region;
(3) Approval of the regional family support plan;
(4) Monitoring the implementation of the family supportplan;
(5) Providing an annual written report to the department ofmental health regarding the activities of the family supportcouncil.
(L. 1980 H.B. 1724, A.L. 1993 H.B. 330)