633.110. 1. Any person suspected to be mentally retarded ordevelopmentally disabled shall be eligible for initial diagnosticand counseling services through the regional centers.
2. If it is determined by a regional center through acomprehensive evaluation that a person is mentally retarded ordevelopmentally disabled so as to require the provision ofservices, and if such person, such person's parent, if the personis a minor, or legal guardian, requests that he be registered asa client of a regional center, the regional center shall, withinthe limits of available resources, secure a comprehensive programof any necessary services for such person. Such services mayinclude, but need not be limited to, the following:
(1) Diagnosis and evaluation;
(2) Counseling;
(3) Respite care;
(4) Recreation;
(5) Habilitation;
(6) Training;
(7) Vocational habilitation;
(8) Residential care;
(9) Homemaker services;
(10) Developmental day care;
(11) Sheltered workshops;
(12) Referral to appropriate services;
(13) Placement;
(14) Transportation.
3. In securing the comprehensive program of services, theregional centers shall involve the client, his family or hislegal guardian in decisions affecting his care, habilitation,placement or referral. Nothing in this chapter shall beconstrued as authorizing the care, treatment, habilitation,referral or placement of any mentally retarded or developmentallydisabled person to any residential facility, day program or otherspecialized service without the written consent of the client,his parent, if he is a minor, or his legal guardian, unless suchcare, treatment, habilitation, referral, or placement isauthorized pursuant to an order of the court under the provisionsof chapter 475, RSMo.
(L. 1980 H.B. 1724)