633.115. The regional center shall secure services for itsclients in the least restrictive environment consistent withindividualized habilitation plans. As a result of itscomprehensive evaluation, the regional center shall utilize thefollowing entities to secure services:
(1) Agencies serving persons not diagnosed as mentallyretarded or developmentally disabled in which the client wouldbe eligible to receive available services or in which theservices could be made available to the client through thepurchase of assistive or supportive services;
(2) Agencies serving mentally retarded or developmentallydisabled persons in which the client would be eligible toreceive available services or in which services could be madeavailable to the client through the purchase of assistive orsupportive services;
(3) The regional center on a day-program basis;
(4) The regional center for short-term residentialservices, not to exceed six months, unless expressly authorizedfor a longer period by the division director;
(5) A residential facility licensed through the departmentplacement program, but not operated by the department;
(6) A mental retardation facility operated by thedepartment for clients who are developmentally disabled ormentally retarded.
(L. 1980 H.B. 1724, A.L. 1990 H.B. 1383)Effective 1-1-91