633.160. If a person presents himself, or is presented, to a regionalcenter or department mental retardation facility and is determined to bementally retarded or developmentally disabled and, as a result, presents animminent likelihood of serious harm to himself or others as defined inchapter 632, RSMo, the regional center or mental retardation facility mayaccept the person for detention for evaluation and treatment for a periodnot to exceed ninety-six hours under the same procedures contained inchapter 632, RSMo. The head of the regional center or mental retardationfacility may initiate guardianship proceedings to have the person detainedbeyond the ninety-six hours under chapter 475, RSMo, or may refer theperson to a mental health facility, if the person is mentally ill, forfurther detention under the procedures in chapter 632, RSMo.
(L. 1980 H.B. 1724, A.L. 1996 S.B. 884 & 841)