633.180. 1. A family with an annual income of sixtythousand dollars or less which has a child with a developmentaldisability residing in the family home shall be eligible to applyfor a cash stipend from the division of mental retardation anddevelopmental disabilities in an amount to be determined by theregional advisory council. Such cash stipend amount shall notexceed the maximum monthly federal Supplemental Security Incomepayment for an individual with a developmental disability whoresides alone. Such stipend shall be paid on a monthly basis andshall be considered a benefit and not income to the family. Thestipend shall be used to purchase goods and services for thebenefit of the family member with a developmental disability.Such goods and services may include, but are not limited to:
(1) Respite care;
(2) Personal and attendant care;
(3) Architectural and vehicular modifications;
(4) Health- and mental health-related costs not otherwisecovered;
(5) Equipment and supplies;
(6) Specialized nutrition and clothing;
(7) Homemaker services;
(8) Transportation;
(9) Integrated community activities;
(10) Training and technical assistance; and
(11) Individual, family and group counseling.
2. Application for such stipend shall be made to theappropriate regional center. The regional center shall determinethe eligibility of the individual to receive services from thedivision and the division shall forward the application to theregional advisory council to determine the amount of the stipendwhich may be approved by the council.
3. The family support program shall be funded by moneysappropriated by the general assembly; however, the family supportprogram shall not supplant other programs funded through thedivision of mental retardation and developmental disabilities.
(L. 1993 H.B. 330 ยง 3)