633.185. 1. The division of mental retardation anddevelopmental disabilities, subject to appropriation by thegeneral assembly, is authorized to implement and administer, aspart of the family support program, a family support loanprogram, which shall provide a family with an annual income ofsixty thousand dollars or less which has an individual with adevelopmental disability residing in the home, with low-interest,short-term loans to purchase goods and services for the familymember with a developmental disability.
2. Interest rates on loans made pursuant to the provisionsof this section shall be no more than one percent above the primeinterest rate as determined by the federal reserve system on thedate the loan is approved. Loans may be for a maximum period ofsixty months and the outstanding loan amount to any family may beno more than ten thousand dollars.
3. Applications for loans shall be made to the appropriateregional center. The regional center shall determine theeligibility of the individual to receive services from thedivision and the division shall forward the application to theregional advisory council to determine the amount of the loanwhich may be approved by the council.
4. There is hereby created in the state treasury for use bythe department of mental health a fund to be known as the "FamilySupport Loan Program Fund". Moneys deposited in the fund shallbe appropriated to the director of the department of mentalhealth to be used for loans pursuant to this section. The fundshall consist of moneys appropriated by the general assembly forstarting the fund and money otherwise deposited according to law.Any unexpended balance in the fund at the end of any biennium,not to exceed twice the annual loans made pursuant to this act* inthe previous fiscal year, is exempt from the provisions ofsection 33.080, RSMo, relating to the transfer of unexpendedbalances to the ordinary revenue fund.
(L. 1993 H.B. 330 ยง 4)*"This act" (H.B. 330, 1993) contains numerous sections. Consult Disposition of Sections table for definitive listing.