640.115. 1. Every municipal corporation, private corporation,company, partnership, federal establishment, state establishment orindividual supplying or authorized to supply drinking water to the publicwithin the state shall file with the department of natural resources acertified copy of the plans and surveys of the waterworks with adescription of the methods of purification, treatment technology and sourcefrom which the supply of water is derived, and no source of supply shall beused without a written permit of approval issued to the continuingoperating authority by the department of natural resources, or waterdispensed to the public without first obtaining such written permit ofapproval. Prior to a change of permittee, the current permittee shallnotify the department of the proposed change and the department shallperform a permit review.
2. Construction, extension or alteration of a public water systemshall be in accordance with the rules and regulations of the safe drinkingwater commission.
3. Permit applicants shall show, as part of their application, that apermanent organization exists which will serve as the continuing operatingauthority for the management, operation, replacement, maintenance andmodernization of the facility. Such continuing operating authority for allcommunity water systems and nontransient, noncommunity water systemscommencing operation after October 1, 1999, shall be required to have andmaintain the managerial, technical and financial capacity, as determined bythe department, to comply with sections 640.100 to 640.140.
4. Any community water system or nontransient, noncommunity watersystem against which an administrative order has been issued forsignificant noncompliance with the federal Safe Drinking Water Act, asamended, sections 640.100 to 640.140 or any rule or regulation promulgatedthereunder shall be required to show that a permanent organization existsthat serves as the continuing operating authority for the facility and thatsuch continuing operating authority has the managerial, technical andfinancial capacity to comply with sections 640.100 to 640.140 andregulations promulgated thereunder. If the water system cannot show to thedepartment's satisfaction that such continuing operating authority exists,or if the water system is not making substantial progress towardcompliance, the water system's permit may be revoked. The continuingoperating authority may reapply for a permit in accordance with rulespromulgated by the commission.
(RSMo 1939 § 9753, A. 1949 S.B. 1051, A.L. 1978 S.B. 509 § 192.200, A.L. 1998 H.B. 1161)Prior revisions: 1929 § 9033; 1919 § 5789
Effective 6-9-98
*Transferred 1978; formerly 192.200