643.260. As used in sections 643.260 to 643.265, thefollowing terms mean:
(1) "Asbestos", the asbestiform varieties of chrysotile,crocidolite, amosite, anthophyllite, tremolite and actinolite;
(2) "Asbestos-containing material", any material whichcontains more than one percent of asbestos by weight;
(3) "Friable asbestos-containing material", any materialthat contains more than one percent asbestos, by weight, which isapplied to ceilings, walls, structural members, piping, ductworkor any other part of a building or other air contaminant sourcesand which, when dry, may be crumbled, pulverized or reduced topowder by hand pressure;
(4) "Person", any individual, partnership, copartnership,firm, company, or public or private corporation, association,joint stock company, trust, the state, political subdivision, orany agency, board, department or bureau of the state or federalgovernment, or any other legal entity whatever which isrecognized by law as the subject of rights and duties;
(5) "School district", seven-director districts, urban schooldistricts and metropolitan school districts, as defined insection 160.011, RSMo.
(L. 1986 H.B. 903 ยง 1, A.L. 1989 H.B. 77 et al.)Effective 6-13-89
*Transferred 1994; formerly 701.120