643.263. 1. Each public school district and private or parochial schoolin Missouri shall report to the department of health and senior services theresults of the examination of its structures for friable asbestos as requiredby the Environmental Protection Agency under the Toxic Substances Control Act,PL 94-469. All such reports shall be filed with the department of health andsenior services before March 1, 1987. Other political subdivisions shallassess asbestos in buildings owned, leased or operated by the politicalsubdivisions and report the results of the examination of its structures forfriable asbestos to the department of health and senior services by December31, 1991. The results of the assessment shall be public information and shallbe readily available to the public and employees of each political subdivisionand each school district and private and parochial school.
2. If the assessment indicates the presence of asbestos-containingmaterials, the report shall identify the location of all materials containingasbestos, the location and square footage of friable asbestos, the averagenumber of persons exposed, the percent of asbestos found in the material, thetest used to assess the material and plans for management of any friableasbestos. The report shall also describe any plans for interim measures, suchas treating or covering friable asbestos, to be taken pending management ofthe material. Any political subdivision, any school district and any privateor parochial school which adopts interim measures or which has not completedits management plan shall reevaluate the material biennially and report itsfindings to the department of health and senior services and make its findingsavailable to its employees and the public. Any political subdivision, anyschool district and any private or parochial school which identifiesnonfriable asbestos shall, no less often than every three years, reevaluatethe material and report its findings to the department of health and seniorservices and make its findings available to its employees and the public. Thedepartment of health and senior services shall provide technical assistanceincluding training, consultation and inspection upon request to politicalsubdivisions in identifying buildings owned, leased or operated by politicalsubdivisions which have asbestos-containing materials.
3. The department of health and senior services shall annually providethe department of elementary and secondary education with a list of all publicschool districts whose buildings contain friable asbestos.
4. The department of health and senior services shall, in cooperationwith the office of administration, assess asbestos in buildings owned,operated or leased by the state of Missouri and report its findings to theoffice of administration.
(L. 1986 H.B. 903 ยง 2, A.L. 1987 S.B. 95, A.L. 1989 H.B. 77, et al.)Effective 6-13-89
*Transferred 1994; formerly 701.122