643.305. 1. The air conservation commission shall adopt a stateimplementation plan to bring all nonattainment areas of the state which arelocated within a city not within a county, any county with a charter formof government and with more than one million inhabitants, any county with acharter form of government and with more than two hundred fifty thousandbut fewer than three hundred fifty thousand inhabitants, any county of thefirst classification with more than one hundred ninety-eight thousand butfewer than one hundred ninety-nine thousand two hundred inhabitants, andany county of the first classification with more than ninety-three thousandeight hundred but fewer than ninety-three thousand nine hundred inhabitantsinto compliance with and to maintain the National Ambient Air QualityStandards and any regulations promulgated by the United StatesEnvironmental Protection Agency under the federal Clean Air Act, asamended, 42 U.S.C. 7401, et seq., on the required date or dates as suchdates are established under the federal Clean Air Act, as amended, 42U.S.C. 7401, et seq., including any extensions authorized pursuant to thatact.
2. The commission shall establish the amount of emissions reductionsrequired to achieve the goal established pursuant to subsection 1 of thissection.
3. The department shall establish an air quality baseline for allnonattainment areas of the state which are located within a metropolitanstatistical area with a population of at least one million inhabitants asdefined by the federal Office of Management and Budget or its successoragency. The air quality baseline shall include, where practical, actualair contaminant emissions data and data on the atmospheric concentrationsof pollution and pollution precursors for all nonattainment areas.
4. The department shall determine the costs and benefits ofalternative reduction measures including reductions of emissions fromstationary and mobile sources and traffic control measures. The departmentof transportation, regional planning commissions and metropolitan planningorganizations shall participate with the department and provide informationnecessary to determine the costs and benefits of emissions reductionmeasures.
5. The department shall evaluate any motor vehicle emissionsinspection program established under sections 643.300 to 643.355 and shallannually include in the report to the commission and the general assemblyrequired under section 643.192, beginning on January 1, 1996, a detailedaccounting of the inspection costs and repair costs incurred by vehicleowners and of the emissions reductions produced or incurred by the program.The department may use a representative sample of vehicles to provide astatistically valid estimate of the repair costs and emissions reductions.The report shall also include a recommendation to the general assembly onwhether the emissions inspection program should be continued, modified orterminated.
6. The department shall establish a program of public information andeducation to educate the citizens of the state about the costs and benefitsassociated with reaching attainment of the National Ambient Air QualityStandards and the costs and benefits of all measures which are consideredto attain those standards. This shall be done prior to the commission'saction under subsection 1 of this section.
(L. 1994 S.B. 590, A.L. 2006 S.B. 583)Effective 9-01-07