644.011. Whereas the pollution of the waters of this stateconstitutes a menace to public health and welfare, creates apublic nuisance, is harmful to wildlife, fish and aquatic lifeand impairs domestic, agricultural, industrial, recreational andother legitimate uses of water, and whereas the problem of waterpollution in this state is closely related to the problem ofwater pollution in adjoining states, and whereas this state mustpossess the authority required of states in the Federal WaterPollution Control Act as amended if it is to retain control ofits water pollution control programs, it is hereby declared to bethe public policy of this state to conserve the waters of thestate and to protect, maintain, and improve the quality thereoffor public water supplies and for domestic, agricultural,industrial, recreational and other legitimate beneficial uses andfor the propagation of wildlife, fish and aquatic life; toprovide that no waste be discharged into any waters of the statewithout first receiving the necessary treatment or othercorrective action to protect the legitimate beneficial uses ofsuch waters and meet the requirements of the Federal WaterPollution Control Act as amended; to provide for the prevention,abatement and control of new or existing water pollution; and tocooperate with other agencies of the state, agencies of otherstates, the federal government and any other persons in carryingout these objectives.
(L. 1972 S.B. 424, A.L. 1973 S.B. 259, S.B. 321)Effective 7-23-73
*Transferred 1986; formerly 204.011