644.021. 1. There is hereby created a water contaminant controlagency to be known as the "Clean Water Commission of the State ofMissouri", whose domicile for the purposes of sections 644.006 to 644.141shall be deemed to be that of the department of natural resources. Thecommission shall consist of seven members appointed by the governor withthe advice and consent of the senate. No more than four of the membersshall belong to the same political party. All members shall berepresentative of the general interest of the public and shall have aninterest in and knowledge of conservation and the effects and control ofwater contaminants. Two such members, but no more than two, shall beknowledgeable concerning the needs of agriculture, industry or mining andinterested in protecting these needs in a manner consistent with thepurposes of sections 644.006 to 644.141. One such member shall beknowledgeable concerning the needs of publicly owned wastewater treatmentworks. Four members shall represent the public. No member shall receive,or have received during the previous two years, a significant portion ofhis or her income directly or indirectly from permit holders or applicantsfor a permit pursuant to any federal water pollution control act as amendedand as applicable to this state. All members appointed on or after August28, 2002, shall have demonstrated an interest and knowledge about waterquality. All members appointed on or after August 28, 2002, shall bequalified by interest, education, training or experience to provide, assessand evaluate scientific and technical information concerning water quality,financial requirements and the effects of the promulgation of standards,rules and regulations. At the first meeting of the commission and atyearly intervals thereafter, the members shall select from among themselvesa chairman and a vice chairman.
2. The members' terms of office shall be four years and until theirsuccessors are selected and qualified. Provided, however, that the firstthree members appointed shall serve a term of two years, the next threemembers appointed shall serve a term of four years, thereafter all membersappointed shall serve a term of four years. There is no limitation on thenumber of terms any appointed member may serve. If a vacancy occurs thegovernor may appoint a member for the remaining portion of the unexpiredterm created by the vacancy. The governor may remove any appointed memberfor cause. The members of the commission shall be reimbursed for traveland other expenses actually and necessarily incurred in the performance oftheir duties.
3. The commission shall hold at least four regular meetings each yearand such additional meetings as the chairman deems desirable at a place andtime to be fixed by the chairman. Special meetings may be called by threemembers of the commission upon delivery of written notice to each member ofthe commission. Reasonable written notice of all meetings shall be givenby the director to all members of the commission. Four members of thecommission shall constitute a quorum. All powers and duties conferredspecifically upon members of the commission shall be exercised personallyby the members and not by alternates or representatives. All actions ofthe commission shall be taken at meetings open to the public. Any memberabsent from six consecutive regular commission meetings for any causewhatsoever shall be deemed to have resigned and the vacancy shall be filledimmediately in accordance with subsection 1 of this section.
(L. 1972 S.B. 424, A.L. 1973 S.B. 259, S.B. 321, A.L. 2000 S.B. 741, A.L. 2002 S.B. 708, A.L. 2007 S.B. 420)*Transferred 1986; formerly 204.021
Commissioner's appointment prohibited if the commissioner has received income from permit holders or applicants for permit under jurisdiction of clean water commission within two years, RSMo 640.010