644.054. 1. Fees imposed in sections 644.052 and 644.053 shall,except for those fees imposed pursuant to subsection 4 and subsections 6 to13 of section 644.052, become effective October 1, 1990, and shall expireDecember 31, 2010. Fees imposed pursuant to subsection 4 and subsections 6to 13 of section 644.052 shall become effective August 28, 2000, and shallexpire on December 31, 2010. The clean water commission shall promulgaterules and regulations on the procedures for billing and collection. Allsums received through the payment of fees shall be placed in the statetreasury and credited to an appropriate subaccount of the natural resourcesprotection fund created in section 640.220, RSMo. Moneys in the subaccountshall be expended, upon appropriation, solely for the administration ofsections 644.006 to 644.141. Fees collected pursuant to subsection 10 ofsection 644.052 by a city, a public sewer district, a public water districtor other publicly owned treatment works are state fees. Five percent ofthe fee revenue collected shall be retained by the city, public sewerdistrict, public water district or other publicly owned treatment works asreimbursement of billing and collection expenses.
2. The commission may grant a variance pursuant to section 644.061 toreduce fees collected pursuant to section 644.052 for facilities that adoptsystems or technologies that reduce the discharge of water contaminantssubstantially below the levels required by commission rules.
3. Fees imposed in subsections 2 to 6 of section 644.052 shall be dueon the date of application and on each anniversary date of permit issuancethereafter until the permit is terminated.
4. There shall be convened a joint committee appointed by thepresident pro tem of the senate and the speaker of the house ofrepresentatives to consider proposals for restructuring the fees imposed insections 644.052 and 644.053. The committee shall review storm waterprograms, the state's implementation of the federal clean water program,storm water, and related state clean water responsibilities, and evaluatethe costs to the state for maintaining the programs. The committee shallprepare and submit a report, including recommendations on funding the stateclean water program, and storm water programs, to the governor, the houseof representatives, and the senate no later than December 31, 2008.
(L. 1990 S.B. 582, A.L. 1994 H.B. 1156, A.L. 2000 S.B. 741, A.L. 2006 H.B. 1149 merged with S.B. 1165, A.L. 2009 H.B. 661 merged with H.B. 734)Effective 7-07-09 (H.B. 661)
8-28-09 (H.B. 734)