644.568. In addition to those sums authorized prior to August 28,1998, the board of fund commissioners of the state of Missouri, asauthorized by section 37(g) of article III of the Constitution of the stateof Missouri, may borrow on the credit of this state the sum of ten milliondollars for the purposes of financing and constructing improvements as setout in chapter 640, RSMo, and in this chapter. The department shallallocate these funds to counties, municipalities, sewer districts, waterdistricts, or any combination of the same to provide grants and loans forrural water and sewer projects.
(L. 1999 H.B. 450)Commissioners may borrow additional $10,000,000 for rural water andsewer project grants and loans.*This section was enacted by both H.B. 450 and S.B. 160 & 82 during the 1st Regular Session of the 90th General Assembly, 1999. Due to possible conflict, both versions are printed here.
644.568. In addition to those sums authorized prior to August 28,1999, the board of fund commissioners of the state of Missouri, asauthorized by section 37(g) of article III of the Constitution of the stateof Missouri, may borrow on the credit of this state the sum of ten milliondollars for the purposes of financing and constructing improvements as setout in this chapter. The department shall allocate these funds tocounties, municipalities, sewer districts, water districts, or anycombination of the same to provide grants and loans for rural water andsewer projects.
(L. 1999 S.B. 160 & 82)*This section was enacted by both H.B. 450 and S.B. 160 & 82 during the 1st Regular Session of the 90th General Assembly, 1999. Due to possible conflict, both versions are printed here.