650.020. 1. A program to be called "Operation Payback" is herebyestablished within the department of public safety. Subject toappropriation, "operation payback" may upon request by a crime tiporganization, reimburse such organization up to two hundred fifty dollarsper reward paid by the organization for a drug-related crime tip involvingthe sale or manufacture of methamphetamine that leads to a methamphetamineseizure.
2. A crime tip organization is a community-based partnership betweenthe community, law enforcement and the media to work together in thecommunity's fight against crime by encouraging citizens via cash rewardsand anonymity to provide law enforcement information leading to the arrestof criminals.
3. The director of the department of public safety may authorizeexpenditures to reimburse a crime tip organization if such organizationsatisfies the following requirements:
(1) The organization must demonstrate that it has an active board ofdirectors including at least one representative of the community'smunicipal or county law enforcement agency;
(2) The organization must be registered with the department of publicsafety prior to application for funds; and
(3) The organization must provide documentation of payment for adrug-related tip involving the sale or manufacture of methamphetamine andproof that the tip led to a methamphetamine and proof that the tip led to amethamphetamine seizure.
4. Under no circumstance may a crime tip organization receive morethan five thousand dollars during any fiscal year.
5. The department of public safety shall promulgate such rules andregulations as are necessary for the administration of this section,pursuant to chapter 536, RSMo, and section 650.005.
(L. 1998 H.B. 1147, et al. ยง 7)