650.330. 1. The committee for 911 service oversight shall consist ofsixteen members, one of which shall be chosen from the department of publicsafety who shall serve as chair of the committee and only vote in theinstance of a tie vote among the other members, and the other members shallbe selected as follows:
(1) One member chosen to represent an association domiciled in thisstate whose primary interest relates to counties;
(2) One member chosen to represent the Missouri public servicecommission;
(3) One member chosen to represent emergency medical services;
(4) One member chosen to represent an association with a chapterdomiciled in this state whose primary interest relates to a nationalemergency number;
(5) One member chosen to represent an association whose primaryinterest relates to issues pertaining to fire chiefs;
(6) One member chosen to represent an association with a chapterdomiciled in this state whose primary interest relates to issues pertainingto public safety communications officers;
(7) One member chosen to represent an association whose primaryinterest relates to issues pertaining to police chiefs;
(8) One member chosen to represent a league or association domiciledin this state whose primary interest relates to issues pertaining tomunicipalities;
(9) One member chosen to represent an association domiciled in thisstate whose primary interest relates to issues pertaining to sheriffs;
(10) One member chosen to represent 911 service providers in countiesof the second, third and fourth classification;
(11) One member chosen to represent 911 service providers in countiesof the first classification, with and without charter forms of government,and cities not within a county;
(12) One member chosen to represent telecommunications serviceproviders with at least one hundred thousand access lines located withinMissouri;
(13) One member chosen to represent telecommunications serviceproviders with less than one hundred thousand access lines located withinMissouri;
(14) One member chosen to represent a professional association ofphysicians who conduct with emergency care; and
(15) One member chosen to represent the general public of Missouriwho represents an association whose primary interest relates to educationand training, including that of 911, police and fire dispatchers.
2. Each of the members of the committee for 911 service oversightshall be appointed by the governor with the advice and consent of thesenate for a term of four years; except that, of those members firstappointed, four members shall be appointed to serve for one year, fourmembers shall be appointed to serve for two years, four members shall beappointed to serve for three years and four members shall be appointed toserve for four years. Members of the committee may serve multiple terms.
3. The committee for 911 service oversight shall meet at leastquarterly at a place and time specified by the chairperson of the committeeand it shall keep and maintain records of such meetings, as well as theother activities of the committee. Members shall not be compensated butshall receive actual and necessary expenses for attending meetings of thecommittee.
4. The committee for 911 service oversight shall:
(1) Organize and adopt standards governing the committee's formal andinformal procedures;
(2) Provide recommendations for primary answering points andsecondary answering points on statewide technical and operational standardsfor 911 services;
(3) Provide recommendations to public agencies concerning modelsystems to be considered in preparing a 911 service plan;
(4) Provide requested mediation services to political subdivisionsinvolved in jurisdictional disputes regarding the provision of 911services, except that such committee shall not supersede decision-makingauthority of local political subdivisions in regard to 911 services;
(5) Provide assistance to the governor and the general assemblyregarding 911 services;
(6) Review existing and proposed legislation and make recommendationsas to changes that would improve such legislation;
(7) Aid and assist in the timely collection and dissemination ofinformation relating to the use of a universal emergency telephone number;
(8) Perform other duties as necessary to promote successfuldevelopment, implementation and operation of 911 systems across the state;and
(9) Advise the department of public safety on establishing rules andregulations necessary to administer the provisions of sections 650.320 to650.340.
5. The department of public safety shall provide staff assistance tothe committee for 911 service oversight as necessary in order for thecommittee to perform its duties pursuant to sections 650.320 to 650.340.
6. The department of public safety is authorized to adopt those rulesthat are reasonable and necessary to accomplish the limited dutiesspecifically delegated within section 650.340. Any rule or portion of arule, as that term is defined in section 536.010, RSMo, shall becomeeffective only if it has been promulgated pursuant to the provisions ofchapter 536, RSMo. This section and chapter 536, RSMo, are nonseverableand if any of the powers vested with the general assembly pursuant tochapter 536, RSMo, to review, to delay the effective date or to disapproveand annul a rule are subsequently held unconstitutional, then the grant ofrulemaking authority and any rule proposed or adopted after August 28,1999, shall be invalid and void.
(L. 1997 H.B. 816, A.L. 1999 S.B. 436)