650.340. 1. The provisions of this section may be cited and shall beknown as the "911 Training and Standards Act".
2. Initial training requirements for telecommunicators who answer 911calls that come to public safety answering points shall be as follows:
(1) Police telecommunicator 16 hours;
(2) Fire telecommunicator 16 hours;
(3) Emergency medical services telecommunicator 16 hours;
(4) Joint communication center telecommunicator 40 hours.
3. All persons employed as a telecommunicator in this state shall berequired to complete ongoing training so long as such person engages in theoccupation as a telecommunicator. Such persons shall complete at leasttwenty-four hours of ongoing training every three years by such persons ororganizations as provided in subsection 6 of this section. The reportingperiod for the ongoing training under this subsection shall run concurrentwith the existing continuing education reporting periods for Missouri peaceofficers pursuant to chapter 590, RSMo.
4. Any person employed as a telecommunicator on August 28, 1999,shall not be required to complete the training requirement as provided insubsection 2 of this section. Any person hired as a telecommunicator afterAugust 28, 1999, shall complete the training requirements as provided insubsection 2 of this section within twelve months of the date such personis employed as a telecommunicator.
5. The training requirements as provided in subsection 2 of thissection shall be waived for any person who furnishes proof to the committeethat such person has completed training in another state which are at leastas stringent as the training requirements of subsection 2 of this section.
6. The department of public safety shall determine by administrativerule the persons or organizations authorized to conduct the training asrequired by subsection 2 of this section.
7. This section shall not apply to an emergency medical dispatcher oragency as defined in section 190.100, RSMo, or a person trained by anentity accredited or certified under section 190.131, RSMo, or a person whoprovides prearrival medical instructions who works for an agency whichmeets the requirements set forth in section 190.134, RSMo.
(L. 1999 S.B. 436, A.L. 2007 S.B. 22)