650.390. As used in sections 650.390 to 650.411, the following wordsand terms mean:
(1) "Board of commissioners", a board appointed by the chiefexecutive officer of the governing body within a service area for thepurpose of administering a county emergency communications system. Noboard of commissioners established pursuant to sections 650.390 to 650.411shall have jurisdiction over local emergency or police dispatchingagencies;
(2) "County", any charter county with a population of more than ninehundred thousand inhabitants;
(3) "Emergency communications system", a wireless radio communicationnetwork, including infrastructure hardware and software, providingcommunications links that permit participating governmental or publicsafety entities to communicate within the area served by such system whichis coterminous with the geographic boundaries of the county in which theemergency communications system is situated;
(4) "Governing body", the legislative body of any county with acharter form of government and a population of more than nine hundredthousand inhabitants.
(L. 2002 S.B. 795)