650.393. 1. The governing body of a county may establish an emergencycommunications system commission within the geographical boundaries of suchcounty. Each such commission shall be composed of seven commissionersappointed by the chief executive officer of the county in which the commissionis established.
2. The commission shall include a chief of police of a municipalitylocated within the county, the chief of the police or the sheriff of thecounty, a chief of a municipal fire department located within the county, achief of a fire protection district located within the county, and threeat-large commissioners, who shall be residents of the county, all subject tothe confirmation of the governing body of the county. Where applicable, themember who is a municipal chief of police shall be chosen from those personsnominated by a local police chiefs association. The members who are chiefs ofeither a municipal fire department or a fire protection district shall bechosen from those persons nominated by a local fire chiefs association. Oneat-large commissioner shall be chosen from those persons nominated by a localmunicipal league or organization. At least two of the at-large commissionersshall be persons who are not employed by a fire department or district, apolice or sheriff's department, or any emergency medical system, or who arenot elected or appointed officials of a political subdivision of the state orare not employed by the state of Missouri.
3. The terms of office of the commissioner who is a chief of police orsheriff of the county shall be coterminous with such person's term of officeas chief of police or sheriff. At the first meeting of the commission, theother commissioners shall choose the length of their terms, with twocommissioners serving for two years, three commissioners serving for threeyears and one commissioner serving for four years. All succeedingcommissioners shall serve for five years. Terms shall end on Decemberthirty-first of the respective year. No commissioner shall serve for morethan two consecutive full terms. A commissioner who is not an at-largecommissioner shall remain in office only so long as he or she retains officewith the department or district that such commissioner served at the time suchperson was appointed to the board of commissioners. Vacancies on the board ofcommissioners shall be filled by persons appointed by the chief executiveofficer of the county in the same manner by which the commissioner whoseoffice is vacant was first appointed.
(L. 2002 S.B. 795)