650.399. 1. The board of commissioners may, by a majority vote ofits members, request that the governing body of the county submit to thequalified voters of such county at a general, primary or special electioneither of the questions contained in subsection 2 of this section. Thegoverning body may approve or deny such request. The governing body mayalso vote to submit such question without a request of the board ofcommissioners. The county election official shall give legal notice of theelection pursuant to chapter 115, RSMo.
2. The questions shall be put in substantially the following form:
(1) "Shall (name of county) establish an emergency communicationssystem fund to establish (and/or) maintain an emergency communicationssystem, and for which the county shall levy a tax of (insert exact amount,not to exceed six cents) per each one hundred dollars assessed valuationtherefor, to be paid into the fund for that purpose?"
â ã YES â ã NO; or
(2) "Shall (name of county) establish an emergency communicationssystem fund to establish (and/or) maintain an emergency communicationssystem, and for which the county shall levy a sales tax of (insert exactamount, not to exceed one-tenth of one percent), to be paid into the fundfor that purpose?"
â ã YES â ã NO
3. The election shall be conducted and vote canvassed in the samemanner as other county elections. If the majority of the qualified votersvoting thereon vote in favor of such tax, then the county shall levy suchtax in the specified amount, beginning in the tax year immediatelyfollowing its approval. The tax so levied shall be collected along withother county taxes in the manner provided by law. If the majority of thequalified voters voting thereon vote against such tax, then such tax shallnot be imposed unless such tax is resubmitted to the voters and a majorityof the qualified voters voting thereon approve such tax.
(L. 2002 S.B. 795)