650.405. The board of commissioners shall have the following powersand responsibilities:
(1) To supervise and administer, within the acquisition andpurchasing procedures of the county, the building, acquisitions by purchaseor otherwise, construction and operation of an emergency communicationssystem for the county in which the commission is located;
(2) To administratively control and manage the emergencycommunications system;
(3) To negotiate and recommend to the governing body that the countycontract with such companies or other business or governmental entities,which in the opinion of the board of commissioners are necessary to provideequipment, material and professional services to establish, construct andmaintain an emergency communications system and conduct the business of thecommission;
(4) To promulgate an annual report of the financial condition andoperation of the commission and the emergency communications system;
(5) To recommend to the governing body that the county purchase oracquire by gift such real estate and equipment and materials necessary toaccomplish the purposes of the commission and the emergency communicationssystem; and
(6) To adopt such bylaws, rules and regulations as in the opinion ofthe board of commissioners shall best serve the purpose of the commission.
(L. 2002 S.B. 795)