660.062. 1. There is hereby created a "State Board of SeniorServices" which shall consist of seven members, who shall be appointed bythe governor, by and with the advice and consent of the senate. No memberof the state board of senior services shall hold any other office oremployment under the state of Missouri other than in a consulting statusrelevant to the member's professional status, licensure or designation.Not more than four of the members of the state board of senior servicesshall be from the same political party.
2. Each member shall be appointed for a term of four years; exceptthat of the members first appointed, two shall be appointed for a term ofone year, two for a term of two years, two for a term of three years andone for a term of four years. The successors of each shall be appointedfor full terms of four years. No person may serve on the state board of*senior services for more than two terms. The terms of all members shallcontinue until their successors have been duly appointed and qualified.One of the persons appointed to the state board of* senior services shallbe a person currently working in the field of gerontology. One of thepersons appointed to the state board of* senior services shall be aphysician with expertise in geriatrics. One of the persons appointed tothe state board of* senior services shall be a person with expertise innutrition. One of the persons appointed to the state board of* seniorservices shall be a person with expertise in rehabilitation services ofpersons with disabilities. One of the persons appointed to the state boardof* senior services shall be a person with expertise in mental healthissues. In making the two remaining appointments, the governor shall giveconsideration to individuals having a special interest in gerontology ordisability-related issues, including senior citizens. Four of the sevenmembers appointed to the state board of senior services shall be members ofthe governor's advisory council on aging. If a vacancy occurs in theappointed membership, the governor may appoint a member for the remainingportion of the unexpired term created by the vacancy. The members shallreceive actual and necessary expenses plus twenty-five dollars per day foreach day of actual attendance.
3. The board shall elect from among its membership a chairman and avice chairman, who shall act as chairman in his or her absence. The boardshall meet at the call of the chairman. The chairman may call meetings atsuch times as he or she deems advisable, and shall call a meeting whenrequested to do so by three or more members of the board.
4. The state board of senior services shall advise the department ofhealth and senior services in the:
(1) Promulgation of rules and regulations by the department of healthand senior services;
(2) Formulation of the budget for the department of health and seniorservices; and
(3) Planning for and operation of the department of health and seniorservices.
(L. 2001 H.B. 603)*Word "for" appears in original rolls.