660.067. As used in sections 660.067 to 660.070, thefollowing terms shall mean:
(1) "Adult day care", a group program that emphasizesappropriate services for persons eighteen years of age or olderhaving Alzheimer's disease and related disorders and thatprovides services for periods of less than twenty-four hours butmore than two hours per day in a place other than the adult'shome;
(2) "Alzheimer's disease and related disorders", diseasesresulting from significant destruction of brain tissue andcharacterized by a decline of memory and other intellectualfunctions. These diseases include but are not limited toprogressive, degenerative and dementing illnesses such aspresenile and senile dementias, Alzheimer's disease and otherrelated disorders;
(3) "Appropriate services", services that emphasizesurveillance, safety, behavior management and other techniquesused to assist persons having Alzheimer's disease and relateddisorders;
(4) "Director", the director of the division of aging of thedepartment of social services;
(5) "Division", the division of aging of the department ofsocial services;
(6) "In-home companion", someone trained to provideappropriate services to persons having Alzheimer's disease andrelated disorders and who provides those services in the home;
(7) "Respite care", a program that provides temporary andshort-term residential care, sustenance, supervision and otherappropriate services for persons having Alzheimer's disease andrelated disorders who otherwise reside in their own or in afamily home.
(L. 1987 S.B. 200 ยง 6)