660.075. 1. The division of medical services shall not issue a provideragreement to an intermediate care facility for the mentally retarded providerafter May 29, 1991, unless and until the department of mental health transmitsa certification of authorization to provide services, provided, however, aprofit or not-for-profit provider may operate a single home of six beds orless without issuance of a certificate to the division of medical services.Such certification shall be provider specific and shall contain the number ofbeds authorized.
2. Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, anyprovider intending to operate an intermediate care facility for the mentallyretarded in excess of those beds in existence on May 29, 1991, shall givenotice to the department of mental health of any intent to do so between Julyfirst and October first of the fiscal year preceding the fiscal year in whichthey intend to operate such facility.
3. In addition to other good cause as established by administrativerules promulgated by the director of the department of mental health, suchintermediate care facility for the mentally retarded operations as may beaccommodated within the home and community-based waiver for thedevelopmentally disabled shall be refused certificates of authorization by thedepartment of mental health. The division of medical services shall refuseintermediate care facility for the mentally retarded provider agreements toproviders to whom the department of mental health has refused certificates ofauthorization.
(L. 1991 H.B. 568 ยง 1)Effective 5-29-91