660.143. 1. When initial installation or connection ofservice for an eligible subscriber for economy rate telephoneservice occurs, the applicable and approved rate for suchinstallation or connection shall be a significantly reduced onewhich shall be determined by the commission.
2. A local exchange telecommunications company which electsto provide economy rate telephone service may not require thepayment of an order processing charge or line change charge foran eligible subscriber's change to economy rate telephone servicefrom any other class of residential service. If a subscriber toeconomy rate telephone service no longer qualifies as an eligiblesubscriber under sections 660.137 to 660.149, that subscriber maynot be charged a fee for disconnecting from economy ratetelephone service and connecting to another class of telephoneservice, except that the commission may allow the local exchangetelecommunications company by commission regulations to charge afee for eligible subscribers who frequently change, initiate, orterminate service.
(L. 1986 H.B. 1301 ยง 2 subsecs. 5, 6, A.L. 1988 H.B. 1290)