660.263. 1. Reports made pursuant to sections 660.250 to660.295 shall be confidential and shall not be deemed a publicrecord and shall not be subject to the provisions of section109.180, RSMo, or chapter 610, RSMo.
2. Such reports shall be accessible for examination andcopying only to the following persons or offices, or to theirdesignees:
(1) The department or any person or agency designated by thedepartment;
(2) The attorney general;
(3) The department of mental health for persons referred tothat department;
(4) Any appropriate law enforcement agency; and
(5) The eligible adult or his legal guardian.
3. The name of the reporter shall not be disclosed unless:
(1) Such reporter specifically authorizes disclosure of hisname; and
(2) The department determines that disclosure of the name ofthe reporter is necessary in order to prevent further harm to aneligible adult.
4. Any person who violates the provisions of this section,or who permits or encourages the unauthorized dissemination ofinformation contained in the central registry and in reports andrecords made pursuant to sections 660.250 to 660.295, shall beguilty of a class A misdemeanor.
5. The department shall maintain a central registry capableof receiving and maintaining reports received in a manner thatfacilitates rapid access and recall of the information reported,and of subsequent investigations and other relevant information.The department shall electronically record any telephone reportof suspected abuse and neglect received by the department andsuch recorded reports shall be retained by the department for aperiod of one year after recording.
6. Although reports to the central registry may be madeanonymously, the department shall in all cases, after obtainingrelevant information regarding the alleged abuse or neglect,attempt to obtain the name and address of any person making areport.
(L. 1987 S.B. 277)