660.280. When an eligible adult facing the likelihood ofserious physical harm and in need of protective services isunable to give consent because of incapacity or legal disabilityand the guardian of the eligible adult refuses to provide thenecessary services or allow the provision of such services, thedirector shall inform the court having supervisory jurisdictionover the guardian of the facts showing that the eligible adultfaces the likelihood of serious physical harm and is in need ofprotective services and that the guardian refuses to provide thenecessary services or allow the provision of such services underthe provisions of sections 660.250 to 660.295. Upon receipt ofsuch information, the court may take such action as it deemsnecessary and proper to insure that the eligible adult is able tomeet his essential human needs.
(L. 1980 S.B. 576 ยง 7, A.L. 1983 S.B. 44 & 45)