660.414. 1. Whenever the division is advised or has reasonto believe that any person is operating an adult day care programwithout a license, or provisional license, or that any holder oflicense, or provisional license is not in compliance with theprovisions of sections 199.025, RSMo, and 660.403 to 660.420, thedivision shall make an investigation and inspection to ascertainthe facts. If the division is not permitted access to the adultday care program in question, the division may apply to thecircuit court of the county in which the program is located foran order authorizing entry for inspection. The court shall issuethe order if it finds reasonable grounds necessitating theinspection.
2. If the division finds that the adult day care program isbeing operated in violation of sections 199.025, RSMo, and660.403 to 660.420, it may seek, among other remedies, injunctiverelief against the adult day care program.
(L. 1984 H.B. 1131 ยง 10)