660.420. 1. Any person who violates any provision ofsections 199.025, RSMo, and 660.403 to 660.420, or who, forhimself or for any other person, makes materially falsestatements in order to obtain a certificate or license, or therenewal thereof, issued pursuant to sections 199.025, RSMo, and660.403 to 660.420, shall be guilty of a class A misdemeanor.
2. Any person who is convicted pursuant to this sectionshall, in addition to all other penalties provided by law, haveany license issued to him under sections 199.025, RSMo, and660.403 to 660.420 revoked, and shall not operate, nor hold anylicense to operate, any adult day care program, or other entitygoverned by the provisions of sections 199.025, RSMo, and 660.403to 660.420 for a period of three years after such conviction.
(L. 1984 H.B. 1131 ยง 13)