660.465. 1. The in-home services tax required by sections 660.425 to660.465 shall expire:
(1) Ninety days after any one or more of the following conditions aremet:
(a) The aggregate in-home services fee as appropriated by the generalassembly paid to in-home services providers for in-home services providedunder chapter 208, RSMo, is less than the fiscal year 2010 in-home servicesfees reimbursement amount; or
(b) The formula used to calculate the reimbursement as appropriatedby the general assembly for in-home services provided is changed resultingin lower reimbursement to in-home services providers in the aggregate thanprovided in fiscal year 2010; or
(2) September 1, 2011.
The director of the department of social services shall notify the revisorof statutes of the expiration date as provided in this subsection.
2. Sections 660.425 to 660.465 shall expire on September 1, 2011.
(L. 2009 H.B. 740 merged with S.B. 307)Effective 6-26-09 (H.B. 740)
8-28-09 (S.B. 307)
Expires 9-01-11