660.520. 1. There is hereby established in the department of socialservices a special team, to be known as the "state technical assistanceteam", to assist in cases of child abuse, child neglect, child sexualabuse, child exploitation, child pornography, or child fatality. It shallbe the priority of the team to focus on those cases in which more than onereport has been received. The team shall:
(1) Provide assistance, expertise, and training to child protectionagencies and multidisciplinary teams for the investigation and prosecutionof child abuse, child neglect, child sexual abuse, child exploitation,child pornography, or child fatality cases;
(2) Assist in the investigation of child abuse, child neglect, childsexual abuse, child exploitation, child pornography, or child fatalitycases, upon the request of a local, county, state, or federal lawenforcement agency, county, state, or federal prosecutor, a representativeof the family courts, medical examiner, coroner, juvenile officer, ordepartment of social services staff. Upon being requested to assist in aninvestigation, the state technical assistance team shall notify appropriateparties specified in this subdivision of the team's involvement. Statetechnical assistance team investigators licensed as peace officers by thedirector of the department of public safety pursuant to chapter 590, RSMo,shall be deemed to be peace officers within the state of Missouri whileacting in an investigation or on behalf of a child. The power of arrest ofa state technical assistance team investigator acting as a peace officershall be limited to offenses involving child abuse, child neglect, childsexual abuse, child exploitation, child pornography, child fatality, or insituations of imminent danger to the investigator or another person;
(3) Assist county multidisciplinary teams to develop and implementprotocols for the investigation and prosecution of child abuse, childneglect, child sexual abuse, child exploitation, child pornography, orchild fatality cases.
2. The team may call upon the expertise of the office of the attorneygeneral, the Missouri office of prosecution services, the state highwaypatrol, the department of health and senior services, the department ofmental health or any other agency or institution.
3. Each county may develop a multidisciplinary team for the purposeof determining the appropriate investigative and therapeutic action to beinitiated on complaints referenced in subsection 1 of this section reportedto the children's division. The multidisciplinary team may include, but isnot limited to, a prosecutor, or his or her representative, an investigatorfrom the children's division, a physician, a representative from a mentalhealth care services agency and a representative of the police agency ofprimary jurisdiction.
4. All reports and records made and maintained by the state technicalassistance team or local law enforcement relating to criminalinvestigations conducted pursuant to this section, including arrests, shallbe available in the same manner as law enforcement records, as set forth insections 610.100 to 610.200, RSMo, and to the individuals identified insubdivision (13) of subsection 2 of section 210.150, RSMo. All otherrecords shall be available in the same manner as provided for in section210.150, RSMo.
(L. 1990 H.B. 1370, et al. ยง 1, A.L. 2000 S.B. 757 & 602, A.L. 2004 H.B. 1055)