660.532. 1. Notwithstanding any other provision of law tothe contrary, with the amounts made available therefor byappropriation, a "Combined Senior Citizen ServicesCenter/Residential Health Care Facility/Child Day Care CenterCommunity Grants Program" is hereby established on a pilotproject basis. The purpose of such a program shall be to promoteinnovative and cost-effective means of providing existing orproposed senior citizen services center or residential healthcare facilities and child day care centers in a combined center.Such centers shall provide and combine, to the extent possibleand financially feasible, services that include, but are notlimited to, staffing and administration, transportation,nutrition and health, and the costs of utilities, heat, insuranceand rent or mortgages.
2. Grants may be awarded for combining separately existingprograms or for combining newly proposed programs. Such grantsnecessary to combine programs shall be limited to start-up coststhat may include planning and administrative costs for thepurpose of combining such programs, moving expenses and minorcapital improvements and up to the first two months' expenses forsalaries or wages, training, rent or mortgage payments, utilitiesand insurance or such other start-up costs identified andapproved by the director of the department of social services.
(L. 1990 H.B. 1370, et al. ยง 11)