660.541. 1. The director shall review and, wherenecessary, require modifications and, upon such modifications,approve no fewer than three applications.
2. A grant amount available under this program shall notexceed the total start-up costs necessary only to combineexisting or newly proposed programs, less any income fromgovernmental, third party or any other sources that may beavailable for the purpose of combining such programs.
3. Grants shall be made available for each combined programon a one-time basis.
4. Notwithstanding any other provision of law to thecontrary, costs incurred combining such programs or attributableto the operation of the child care center may not be transferredto a residential health care facility for purposes ofreimbursement under Title XIX of the federal Social Security Actnor shall funding for combining such programs be substituted forfunds provided under the Federal Older Americans Act of 1965 asamended, the Social Service Block Grants under Title XX of theSocial Security Act, or any other federal, state or localfunding.
5. Upon approval thereof, the director shall determine theamount of payment and shall contract with each grantee who has anapproved application for payment of the start-up costs of thepilot project.
(L. 1990 H.B. 1370, et al. ยง 16)