660.650. As used in sections 660.650 to 660.657, the following termsshall mean:
(1) "Early head start program", any head start program as defined insubdivision (4) of this subsection which provides services to children agethree and under, and their families;
(2) "Head start delegate agency", any organization that operates a headstart program pursuant to a contract with a head start grantee;
(3) "Head start grantee", any private not-for-profit or publicorganization that operates a head start program pursuant to federal law andregulations. A head start grantee shall be responsible for the administrationof a local head start program and, in partnership with the head start policycouncil, provide policy direction for the program; and
(4) "Head start program", a community program that is operated incompliance with federal performance standards pursuant to 42 U.S.C. Section9801, and 45 CFR Section 1301, et seq., and that provides comprehensiveservices to children and their families. The program shall focus on preschoolchildren from low-income families who have not reached the age of compulsoryschool attendance. A head start program shall encompass early childdevelopment and health services, family and community partnerships, andprogram design and management. Head start services include, but are notlimited to, health, education, parent involvement, nutrition, social services,special services for children with disabilities and other services to helpchildren and their families attain their full potential.
(L. 1998 H.B. 1274 ยง 660.650 subsec. 1)