660.657. 1. Head start grantees shall take an active role incommunity planning to encourage strong communication, cooperation and thesharing of information among the agencies and their community partners, andto improve the delivery of community services to children and families.Head start grantees shall take affirmative steps to establish ongoingcollaborative relationships with community organizations in order topromote access for children and their families to community services thatare responsive to their needs, and to ensure that early head start and headstart programs respond to community needs. Head start grantees shallperform outreach to encourage volunteers from the community to participatein early head start and head start programs. To enable the effectiveparticipation of children with disabilities and their families, a headstart grantee shall make specific efforts to develop interagency agreementswith local education agencies and other organizations within the grantee'sservice area.
2. Each head start grantee directly operating an early head start orhead start program, shall establish and maintain a health services advisorycommittee which includes professionals and volunteers from the community.Head start grantees shall also establish and maintain such other serviceadvisory committees as they deem appropriate to address program serviceissues, such as the development of community partnerships, and to helpagencies respond to community needs.
3. A head start grantee shall establish and maintain procedures tosupport successful transitions for enrolled children and families from headstart and other child care and development programs into elementary school,preschool programs or other child care settings.
4. Each head start grantee, with the concurrence of the head startpolicy council or committee, may promulgate and implement local policiesand procedures that shall be consistent with federal and state laws andregulations.
(L. 1998 H.B. 1274 ยง 660.650 subsecs. 3, 4, 5, 6)