700.041. 1. There is hereby established a fund in the state treasuryto be known as the "Manufactured Housing Consumer Recovery Fund" for thepurpose of paying consumer claims under procedures the commission maypromulgate by rule. The public service commission shall administer themanufactured housing consumer recovery fund and all moneys in the fundshall be used solely as prescribed in this section. Any interest earnedfrom the investment of moneys in the fund shall be credited to the fund.
2. Claims approved by the commission under law may be paid from thefund subject to appropriation. No claims shall be considered by thecommission until all other legal remedies have been exhausted. Thecommission shall establish an advisory committee to assist with theevaluation of all claims filed by consumers. The committee members shallbe volunteers and serve without compensation.
3. Notwithstanding the provisions of section 33.080, RSMo, to thecontrary, moneys in the manufactured housing consumer recovery fund shallnot be transferred to the credit of the general revenue fund at the end ofthe biennium; however, the total amount in the manufactured housingconsumer recovery fund shall not exceed thirty-two percent of the amount ofthe annual appropriation of the manufactured housing fund from thepreceding fiscal year. Moneys in the manufactured housing consumerrecovery fund may be transferred back to the manufactured housing fund byappropriation.
(L. 2008 S.B. 788)