700.096. 1. Each person registered as a dealer under the provisionsof sections 700.010 to 700.115 shall file monthly reports with thecommission, and such reports shall be in the form and manner and containthe information required by the commission by rules promulgated underchapter 536, RSMo, and shall permit an employee of the commission or anylaw enforcement official to inspect during normal business hours any of thefollowing documents which are in his or her possession or under his or hercontrol:
(1) Any manufacturer's invoice, certificate of origin, statement oforigin, or title to any manufactured home or modular unit;
(2) Any application for title to any manufactured home;
(3) Any affidavit provided under chapter 301, RSMo, or chapter 407,RSMo;
(4) Any assignment of title to any manufactured home;
(5) Any disclosure statement or other document required by the lawsof the United States or any other state.
2. For purposes of this section, the term "law enforcement official"means any of the following:
(1) The attorney general, or any person designated by him or her tomake such an inspection;
(2) Any prosecuting attorney or any person designated by aprosecuting attorney to make such an inspection;
(3) Any member of the highway patrol;
(4) Any sheriff or deputy sheriff;
(5) Any peace officer certified under chapter 590, RSMo, acting inhis or her official capacity.
(L. 2008 S.B. 788)