700.600. 1. As used in this section, the following terms mean:
(1) "Manufactured home", the same meaning as provided in section700.010;
(2) "Manufactured or mobile home land lease community", any area,lot, parcel, or tract held in common ownership and on which individualportions of such area, lot, parcel, or tract are leased for the placementof manufactured or mobile homes as a primary residence;
(3) "Mobile home", a residential building constructed or assembled ina factory which is not certified pursuant to the federal Housing and UrbanDevelopment (HUD) Code and which conforms to the American NationalStandards Institute (ANSI) standards for mobile homes.
2. A landlord of a manufactured or mobile home land lease communityshall provide written notice to all of the community's tenants who owntheir manufactured or mobile homes at least one hundred twenty days priorto requiring such tenants to vacate the property due to a change in use ofthe property. In cases where more than one hundred twenty days remain on acurrent lease, the longer time period shall apply for purposes of providingnotice pursuant to this section. The landlord shall not increase the rent,except for a rent increase based solely on an increase in property taxes,for any tenant of the manufactured or mobile home land lease communityduring the sixty-day period prior to providing such notice or at any timeafter providing such notice.
3. Nothing in this section shall be construed as prohibiting alandlord from evicting a tenant with less than one hundred twenty days'notice for any reason other than a change in use of the property.
(L. 2004 H.B. 998 & 905)CROSS REFERENCE:
Penalty for violations, RSMo 700.115